Government Solutions

DIR IT Staffing Services - Contract # DIR-CPO-5444 

State of Texas: Department of Information Resources

Staff Augmentation (ITSAC) DIR-CPO-5444

DIR's IT Staff Augmentation Contract (ITSAC) is a means of  providing temporary IT staffing augmentation services on a time (hourly) basis to the agencies based on a negotiated hourly rate through a state wide contract. Contracted staff renders services and are paid on an hourly basis. ITSAC is a DIR Cooperative Contract.

Adamas Technologies Inc. is pleased to be one of the vendors selected to contract with the State of Texas through the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) to provide Information Technology Staff Augmentation services (Contract No. DIR-CPO-5444). Agencies may choose staff from a list of pre-qualifies vendors, either through competitive solicitation or SOW by going directly to a vendor.

Our Competency in terms of Resource Management / staff augmentation of IT Resources is as follows:

Under the ITSAC contract, Adamas Technologies Inc. offers these services to all DIR customers:

Contact Information and How to Order IT staffing services under DIR-CPO-5444 contract:

In order to save time and resources, an agency can procure services directly from Adamas Technologies Inc  by using the "Best Value" Justification!  

More information on How to order Best Value Consultants using Best Value Process can be found at

Generate a purchase order made payable to Adamas Technologies Inc and you must reference the DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-5444 on your purchase order.


For quotes, purchase orders, and warranty information for this DIR ITSAC Contract #: DIR-CPO-5444 , please contact us at our Austin, TX office.

Our address and phone number are:

Joshua Pandi

602 Crane Canyon Pl

Round Rock TX 78665

Phone: 512-537-6067

Vendor ID: 18237225851000 

For an overview of the DIR Co-op Contract Program, Please Refer to the following URL: